The warm weather is coming quickly and that means it’s time for sunshine, warm water, tanned skinned, and of course, photos!
There’s something much more fun about taking photos in the warm weather. Everyone is happier and more relaxed, plus there’s more downtime.
I also think I personally tend to look better in the summer. My hair gets a little lighter, my skin gets some sun, and I always have more summer accessories at my disposal for photos.
This year, I’m really loving skinny or square sunglasses and my film camera for props. Instagram has moved from being totally over the top to minimal and chic, so you don’t need a lot of props to take a great photo.
These are all super cute Instagram photo inspiration shots that will hopefully help you get going!
If you don’t have a film camera but still want your shots to come out ultra-vintage, try using the Tezza app and VSCO. I typically use VSCO for the actual color editing (M5 is a great vintage filter) then I add dust or specs using the Tezza app.
Most of these are shot using an iPhone, so don’t worry about having super fancy equipment. You can even get a super inexpensive tripod with a remote on Amazon if you want to shoot your IG photos yourself.
Warm Weather Instagram Photos:
Enjoy these warm weather Instagram photos! Feel free to save them to your phone for reference later.
To save a photo, hold down on it then press “save to camera roll.”
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